A and the Positive Morning Routine
The Story:
Well, good morning, A, you came into the classroom ready for the day. First you said “bye” to Mom and went straight to your positive morning routine. You first washed your hands, using soap and water, then dried them with paper. You used your foot to push down the trash can pedal and then tossed your paper towel into the trash can. You then placed your name from home to school on the board and went to the table. Look at that A; you picked out your name from the pile and used a piece of paper to write it. Teacher B then put the date on the paper, and you took it and placed it in your cubby. I am so proud of you A; you write your name and follow the morning routine so well. But it doesn’t stop there; you went to the choices area and pointed to the playdoh. You said “playdoh” and teacher B encouraged you to grab a tray then you can get the basket and playdoh after. You grabbed a tray, and then you put it on your table spot. You then went to grab the basket and you said, “Too heavy, too heavy”. I said, “Yes, A too heavy, let’s try and use our muscles to pick it up”. You then looked at the basket and picked it up and carried it to the table! Teacher B said, “What color is your playdoh?” You grabbed your playdoh and went to the table, saying “Mine” and “Play-Doh.” I am so proud of you A, for using your words. Look at that A, it’s time for you to use the playdoh, you molded the doh, you cut, shaped, rolled out, and even found different shape molds when you were cutting, you identified “Lion rawr”, “bone” and then touched your arm, “this stuck”, “hand”, “toes” and also said “flower”. You were so focused and continued to cut out shapes for over twenty minutes, you were so engaged A. You then heard teacher M ring the bell and went into action, you placed the playdoh back in the container, put the shapes and tools back in the basket, and put everything tray, basket, and playdoh back on the shelf where you got it from. You then went to the bathroom washed your hands and sat down for breakfast. You are so strong and focused, and we love you here at school A.
-Teacher Jackie
What Learning is Happening Here?
A is learning routine and expectations of the center.
A is learning independence.
A is learning how to self-regulate his emotions and his body.
A is learning how to care for himself and the materials he works with.
A is learning to engage with the environment through inquiry and eager exploration.
A is learning to use letters to write his name, word knowledge.
A is using expressive language and exploring the use of new words.
A is exploring the use of back-and-forth communication.
A has a positive attitude and can explore his environment in a safe way.
A is learning shapes and print in the environment.
Opportunities & Possibilities
-To explore and support extended goals for A, we plan to continue a daily routine that promotes individuality and self-help skills. For example, serving his own food during mealtimes, pouring water for himself or milk, engaging in other self-help skills like sweeping or even cleaning the water off the slide each morning. Self help skills encourage the increase sense of identity and responsibility in the classroom.
-We will provide him also more materials for playdoh and other sensory experiences, for example added shapes to manipulate with playdoh and different types of playdoh scissors, knives, tools…
-We will continue encouraging repetition and language use, including simple sign language and one-to-two-word phrases.
The Child’s voice
When I read the story to the child you repeated the words: “bye mom”, “water”, “name”, “Too heavy, too heavy”, and “rawr”.
You touched your arm again when I said arm and then touched your hands when I said “hand”
You seemed to enjoy the story and immediately went to play with playdoh after we completed the story.
The Family’s voice
A you are a really good boy; you listen to your teachers and play well at school. I really enjoy hearing the story, thank you so much teacher. He is doing so good at school, it is really hard some days, but he is growing and learning so quick. I am glad he uses his words.
DRDP Measures (list all that apply):
ALT REG 1-Attention maintenance
ALT REG 4- Curiosity and Initiative in Learning
ALT REG 5- Self-Control of Feelings and Behaviors
LLD 1- Understanding of Language (Receptive)
LLD 3- Communication and use of language (Expressive)
LLD 7- Concepts About Print
LLD 9- Letter and Word Knowledge
LLD 10- Emergent Writing
COG 9- Inquiry Through Observation and Investigation
PD HLTH 4- Fine Motor Manipulative Skills
HSS 5- Responsible Conduct as a Group Member
0-5 Learning Framework Outcomes:
Children have a strong sense of identity.
Children relate to and contribute to their world.
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
Children are confident and involved learners.
Children are effective communicators.
Learning dispositions: passionate, inquiry, courage, curiosity, confidence, perseverance, explorative,
Engaged, excited, focused, consistent, involved, responsible, expressive.